The theory behind this, is there is electrical noise in the 12 volt system, caused by the alternator, ECU taking current several thousand cycles per second etc.
So you need some thing to stabilise the voltage and get rid of this noise and smooth it out.
The battery is not the best place for it, as you have resistance in the cabling to the battery.
This device is probably nothing more than a large capacitor, 68,000 uf or more.
In fact to meet their claim "it is not a capacitor," then it probably comprises several...:augie These will then filter out a wider bandwidth of frequencies.
The problem with electrolytic capacitors is that in time they dry out, and can short out, now do you want a short circuit across the battery... without a fuse?
The greatest effect with the kit, is using the sand paper to clean up the terminals, this probably has the greatest improvement alone.:thumb2
As in the previous thread, improving the cable sizes and reducing the resistance at connections will help to smooth out these voltage fluctuations. :thumb2