View Full Version : Small spotlights

13-07-2014, 22:52
I'm going to be fitting 4 spotlights onto the roof in time but will have to go up to Fife first to pick up my old thule roof bars off an old club member called Neddy:D (some may remember him:thumbs) so in the mean time i'm wanting to add a set of spotlights to the front bumper but I can't just mount them infront of the grill like I did on my MK2 T2 as the MK4 one sticks right out across the top of the bumper & i'm not going to fit an A bar just for the sake of 2 spotlights:doh so i'm looking for some that will fit inside the gaps (3.75x3") either side of the front No plate anyone got any idea's:augie
Had a look on ebay & found these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181011390572?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 but not sure if they'll put out much/enough light as they are classed as DRL's:augie others i've spotted are

13-07-2014, 23:31
To give you a better idea of what i'm after here's a pic of a guy's T2 i've spoken to about this but he used Hella spotlights which I just don't have the funds for as they are around £100:doh