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Dec 26, 2012
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so, a total news black out on the killing of soldier rigby on british soil.
does anyone else feel my discomfort in this?
even my auto type asks me if "british" is correct??? wtf?
42 yrs old, kids of 4 and 6, wondering if they will ever enjoy life as i did as a child, less/no traffic.no obvious peados. people didnt need "shit" to be equal. and if i remembered right, it never rained!! a changing world, for the first time in my life i feel fear, not for me but my kids. midlife crisis or normal parental stuff? HELP!
but where do common sense and "ignorance" cross over? we have had too much of this of late(ukip/racists.kiss my arse) debates. its such a sad time. why do muslims want to blow up/kill non believers? i hear the british muslims tell that the book koran tells the truth, but it also says to slay non believers. thats not good for me in a rapidly rising muslim area(centre of brum you fckd dudes). its not racist to talk about why muslims want to blow us up if they can not take over our country(egypty, syria etc).
I think it's dreadful there has been a news black out yet they still keep mentioning other events from years ago (won't go into details):augie Sadly the world has changed a lot & I don't feel it's for the better:doh got a friend who works for the police who told us there is a couple of convicted peedo's living on our estate:eek::eek::eek: god knows what the council was thinking as the estate is full of kids who are out playing until 10pm:nenau & there is 3 schools very close by
i am no media buff but i have followed these muslim uprisings for many years, some countries beat them back quickly, others didnt(syria). its not racist to talk about a religious uprising so do not worry. remember when the news called the syrian uprising an actual "uprising". no they are muslims after a country they have no right to. i voted ukip. am i a racist, brutally honest,yes, i want my kids to have a career/housing over some "fresh in" . i want them to have a future in the world i know. i want to ring my doctors and get an appointment within a month. with an english speaking doctor, they have them in spain..
I must agree, if I'm honest, I think its disgusting, the way this country has gone is unreal, infact without going into great detail it's MY sole reason for moving.

It's a shame Muslims have been branded that way as I have a couple of Muslim friends and they are great, but as a whole it's all too extreme and the media are in fear of posting anything... Even our soldiers who died by their hands in uk!!

Can you imagine what would happen to a Brit in a strong Muslim country if he killed a soldier there? :eek: death i imagine...

For this reason my missus and I have decided not to have kids, but by all means it does not mean they cant have a happy life, raise your kids to be equal and fair and mix with everyone, don't exclude them from anything :D
Oh also, talking about other countries not taking their crap, I have a lot of Danish family, they put two fingers up to halal meat :thumbs :cool:
so, a total news black out on the killing of soldier rigby on british soil.
does anyone else feel my discomfort in this?
even my auto type asks me if "british" is correct??? wtf?
42 yrs old, kids of 4 and 6, wondering if they will ever enjoy life as i did as a child, less/no traffic.no obvious peados. people didnt need "shit" to be equal. and if i remembered right, it never rained!! a changing world, for the first time in my life i feel fear, not for me but my kids. midlife crisis or normal parental stuff? HELP!
It is sad but to get back to the things you describe above you now have to move to another country.Rural France offers all the things you describe above but you shouldn't have to move to another country to get all the things any parent would want for there children.The truth is France is brilliant for kids from about 10 until they are about 18.Before 10 they haven't got a good enough grasp of English unless you carry on there English education at home, after 10 they will struggle to be truly bi lingual.
After 18 they often don't want to stay in France or want to move to a larger city, because there is nothing for them in the country. But they can have a truly amazing childhood here. Like it was for many of us in the 50s & 60s .:rolleyes:

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