View Full Version : Track rod kit

John B
08-05-2014, 18:47
I've just opened my goodies from milners and had a good look at them but I can see when looking at both ball joints one has a gold tread and the other is black so my question is does it matter what way around it goes. :doh

08-05-2014, 21:40
yes it does but you cannot get it wrong, one is right hand thread, the other is left hand, but you will have to take it to a garage when done to get it tracked, Rick

John B
08-05-2014, 22:20
Thanks rick but what I don't understand is that it will go on either way ?

08-05-2014, 22:36
yes but when it is on turn the centre shaft one way it will get longer, turn it the other it will get shorter, so so does not not matter which way you fit it, Rick