Are our standards slipping?

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Feb 23, 2007
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...that's taking the p**s!

I edited the word above and replaced two letters with **

I don't know it it's me, but we seem to be letting our standards slip a little, or is this becoming normal in forums these days?

We used to be subtle in how we said expletives, most of us still are, and while using words similar to above has now become acceptable in everyday language we are now even using anagrams for four letter words.:eek:
The well known fashion brand "FCUK" hasn't helped, it's probably this that made the brand popular.

When I first joined this forum, I was told that youngsters read some of the posts.
Now I know this and worse is standard language in the school playground and sometimes in the school corridors and the kids know when not to use it when in the presence of responsible adults, but I think we need to start re-drawing the line.

What are your thoughts on this?

I have been on other non subscription sites and the language has been extreme in the least, it is our members and our standards that have made this one of the most professional 4x4 sites on the web.

A standard that I hope continues, otherwise we just become the same as the other sites.

I don't want to sound like a grumpy old git, but my wife has known this for years...:lol:lol:lol

just a thought...
best regards,
profanity seems to be common place these days my friend , even in normal conversations , I suspect that the older members ( like myself ) don't fully understand this , the younger members however see profanity as normal conversation ........ perhaps its our old age not " moving with the times " ?
as for the original question ........ are our standards slipping ......perhaps they have moved to a point we older members don't recognise anymore ? .......but slipping ? ........ that's open to interpretation
I'm sure everyone uses profound words but it's knowing when and where to use them.
I must admit that I swear in front of my kids but they know it's wrong and do get a telling off if they swear in front of me.
I think it all comes down to the lack of respect for others.
I am 42 and I won't swear in front of my parents as I feel it's disrespectful.
Even at my sons school they are allowed to swear 3 times before they are told off about it:nenau
What chance do we have if this is what they are allowed to do from the age of 11.
Yeah I remember the rules when this forum was started too and I have to say I may be guilty too. Not sure how many children read this forum or ever have.

I think society has changed and the swear words have become normal place, you only have to go to your local high street and listen to people speaking. This is the sad thing.

Billy Connolly once said something along the lines of "there is no such thing as bad language, only bad use of language". Which I guess is right place right time.

I have seen a lot worse forums than this and at least this forums redeeming feature is it's friendliness and openness. Rarely do we have spats and long may it last.

Agree with your point and I'll keep an eye on what I type.
Thanks guys for being supportive, I wasn't sure how my comment would go down, but if it makes people think, then we can maintain the very high standard that this club stands for.:thumb2


Another thing we should be aware of, and I have done this deed on a boating forum...:eek::eek::eek:
NEVER post when you are angry or have very strong feelings about something.
It is better to draft the copy at the time, then read it say the following morning, and see if your feelings are still the same, then post it, or a modified version of it.
If you can't draft it, write a reply in the normal way, but don't send it, instead cut and paste it into an email to yourself, delete the original then cut and paste the comment from the email later, back into a reply.:thumb2
(This is the only option I have with my ipad.)

Don't forget that the intended recipient has feelings too, and this can lead to further bad feelings. In the past I have asked moderators on another site to contact the unlucky recipient so we both agree to retract our comments.:augie It can work:thumb2 We then both apologised to each other. sorted.:thumb2

To be fair, this isn't a major problem on our site, but it happens too much on others, as I have found...:doh

In times of personal one to one arguments, you may have heard the count to ten rule.......... Take time to think about your reply.:thumbs

I ALWAYS have the last word(s) in any argument in our house... " Yes Dear" :nenau:nenau:nenau

best regards,
Richard ( Rustic )
im guilty, and yeah standards may have slipped, or perhaps changed just as times change. I think there is more acceptance in forums for the use of swears etc, but generally I have found this club to be quite mature about it and it always seem to be in jest, I always feel comfortable here!
This thread is a perfect example of why our forum runs so smoothly with very little negativity.
I may be guilty of wrong use of language but I generally think before I type. I also believe that having a paid subscription helps as people only join then for a genuine interest in the forum subject and will take on board what others say when issues do arise.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I do agree actually, myself included with the bad language.

I do however, have a suggestion that will keep us foul tongued youngens in order and respect the forum and stop people being able to read the swears and curses.

Why don't we make a list of the swears and slang swears and just block em out (admin) so fkuc and the likes would all come up ****

That way we get the idea still, and no children can read the explicits :nenau
Why don't we make a list of the swears and slang swears and just block em out (admin) so fkuc and the likes would all come up ****
That way we get the idea still, and no children can read the explicits :nenau

I thought there was something on the forum in the past that did this or flagged it somehow...:nenau

In the mean time, I think we are all capable of writing suitably phrased replies without these added controls and precautions, in the same way as our cars aren't limited to 70mph

After all, who will pay for the changes, who will use their own time to put this in, I think the moderators have enough to do as it is.:nenau

Do we then have auto spell checks, the biggest misuse of words on most forums is their, there, they're and when to brake, or break, then a welshman takes a leak, or is it leek ? lol and don't mention rain, reign etc.

A lot of these problems happened when we started to call cats, Kats... and now we have text speak... heaven help the next generation.
How about a forum swear box? At the end of the day we can all post without adding swear words. It is a habit we're all guilty of at some point but it's up to each and every one of us to end it. I'm happy to put something in a swear box (whatever it may be) if I have a slip of the tongue. :p

Sent from my C1905 using Tapatalk
How about a forum swear box? At the end of the day we can all post without adding swear words. It is a habit we're all guilty of at some point but it's up to each and every one of us to end it. I'm happy to put something in a swear box (whatever it may be) if I have a slip of the tongue. :p

Sent from my C1905 using Tapatalk

A swear box... I can see free subs coming up, it should bring in some more coffers...:lol:lol:lol
How about a forum swear box? At the end of the day we can all post without adding swear words. It is a habit we're all guilty of at some point but it's up to each and every one of us to end it. I'm happy to put something in a swear box (whatever it may be) if I have a slip of the tongue. :p

Sent from my C1905 using Tapatalk

Whoa now, let's not get too hasty here

Surely we will be ok without a swear box :augie
I don't think the word Pissed, is rude to be honest, it's a bodily function at the end of the day and most youngsters swear like troopers these days.
It's us grown ups that need to catch up I think :lol
I don't think the word Pissed, is rude to be honest, it's a bodily function at the end of the day and most youngsters swear like troopers these days.
It's us grown ups that need to catch up I think :lol

That is a common word used in the states, nothing wrong with it I think.
I guess if we wouldn't say something in front of company or parents then perhaps that something shouldn't be typed :confused:

I agree Jim, But what are swear words and what are sayings, I work with blokes and we all swear, and my parents swore. I let the odd one out at home too.
I think if a word is directed at someone and is meant to hurt that person, that's wrong and should be pulled up.
on the whole, this site is quite tame and we all jolly along quite well.:)

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