View Full Version : Off to birmingham

02-04-2014, 19:18
well tomorrow we are off to birmingham childrens hospital for Robbyns bi-yearly visit with her liver specialist. She's come so far since she was first diagnosed with the liver disease when she was a baby.

This is her now, she has come a long way since her first liver operation when she was just 9 weeks old



on our last trip we ere told she falls into the category of being between the ages of 4 and 8 when she will need a liver transplant, well she is 4 this coming august :eek:

in a way i hope she has the transplant sooner rather than later as children tend to heal quicker and get over things quicker the younger they are having said that i dont want to see my baby girl going through such a massive operation.

02-04-2014, 19:23
Hey Steve I hope you and your family all the best in your quest ;)
I'm sure the outcome will be for the best when ever it happens :clap
Good luck :beerchug:

02-04-2014, 19:34
good luck, sending you all good wishes your way for everything to be better then expected tomorrow.

02-04-2014, 19:35
I hope she gets the transplant soon mate, hope everything goes positive!

02-04-2014, 20:23
thanks for the well wishes guys, clive the transplant takes about 8hrs todo which is a very long time for a little person to be under for

02-04-2014, 20:54
I have got 4 girls and 5 grandchildren.
I couldn't bare the thought of any of them being ill.

sooner is definatly better than later.
we wish you well:thumbs

02-04-2014, 21:16
Wish you and your family good luck for tomorrow, kids are stronger than we think and I'm sure it will be positive news.

02-04-2014, 21:20
I really do wish both of you the best of luck, keep smiling and I'm sure it'll all be fine :thumb2

puddle hoppers inc.
02-04-2014, 21:23
good luck guys :thumb2:thumb2

02-04-2014, 21:23
Wish you all the very best & hope the out come of the hospital visit is a good one:D

terrano bob
02-04-2014, 21:34
good luck all the best :thumbs

02-04-2014, 21:41
hope all goes well for you and the family m8,and after meeting you all the other week,she's such a sweet kid......:thumbs

02-04-2014, 22:38
All the best for tomorrow. Have 2 girls myself and consider myself lucky they're in good health. Can only imagine what it must be like.. Keep smiling. :)

02-04-2014, 23:02
All the best to you and your family R1cho. This is why I am on the donor register, you never know what's around the corner and if any of my parts can be used to help others when I don't need them......all the better :)

03-04-2014, 08:37
I'm about 20 mins from there :thumb2

Wishing you all the best buddy :thumbs

03-04-2014, 09:11
A little late,but good luck mate.