What is this? Caravan/4x4 related

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Sep 13, 2010
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Anyone know what this is?

Something overland/caravan/4x4 related I think?

Caravan hookup? Small 3 phase inverter?

More for when your caravan is used at home I was thinking?

my thinking it's for caravanning?

Normally that type of enclosure is made for industrial use, to give 110 V ac from 240 volt mains, for operating low powerered power tools.

Now this looks like it is probably used as a 24 Volts ac supply for power tools, now caution, it is most likely ac, and if used to power a caravan will probably cause untold damage to anything connected to it, so don't be too hasty.

To be able to use it, you would need a bridge rectifier, and depending on the transformer,it may be possible to double up the output to give 20 amps.,
Caution, the winding outputs will need checking first before connection.

Also when the 12 Volts is rectified to DC, the peak voltage will be 1.4 times 12 volts, which is close to 17 Volts, whilst this could be used for battery charging, there would be no over charge protection, and if left for any time, could fry the battery.

If it was mine, I would have a look inside to see if there was a rectifier, then consider a rectifier, and voltage regulation to limit the voltage to 13.8 volts, but it would require quite a bit of re- work.
The rectifier and other components would be better placed in a well ventilated enclosure as there would be quite a bit of wasted heat.

BUT DON'T rush to connect it without checking the output.

Probably not caravan, yellow box enclosure looks like building site electrics.

I tried entering the serial number/ JMSEN/ JMSENE into google - no luck. Any part numbers on it or internally?

The fact it has a CE number on it means it is a proper piece of kit (also has been PAT tested).
I have a 12v florescent down lighter lamp, we use in the awning of the caravan, which has a large 3d style bulb in it, more like you would find in a Mains lamp. The guy we got it from said they were used on tripods on building sides that were open to the elements, or in non-water tight tunnels, where water cold be running all around.

I think that he also had a couple of those boxes for running the lights, but as I wanted my light just for the caravan, I did not really look much closer at the box.

So I think it is for Hazardous area lighting.
The yellow box generally signifies "Safe" for use on site, normally converts 240v to 115v, etc.
no manufacturers name on it, Looks very similar to linked item.

But it seems to be a 12v version?

For some reason, that is too complicated to go into on a Sunday afternoon:lol, 12-0-12 is actually 24v, as you have the option of taking the out put across the two 12v, which because they are out of phase, gives 24v.

The only problem is the link is a single output, and yours has 2 sockets..., but if you search on SELV transformers, there are some dual outputs, just no prices.
no manufacturers name on it, Looks very similar to linked item.

But it seems to be a 12v version?

But there are two 12 volt outputs, that if correctly wired in series will give 24 volts, ac it depends on how the sockets are wired.:thumb2

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