14-09-2013, 19:40
http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q761/offroad90/20130914_190457_zpsf9e6ae19.jpg (http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/offroad90/media/20130914_190457_zpsf9e6ae19.jpg.html)
got this bargain on ebay. Tatty on the outside but pretty clean on the inside. Came with a auto darken mask, Regulator and 3/4 roll of .6mm wire. :thumbs
1 hour up the road, picked it up this evening. Hopefully when Im less skint I can convert it to a euro torch.
got this bargain on ebay. Tatty on the outside but pretty clean on the inside. Came with a auto darken mask, Regulator and 3/4 roll of .6mm wire. :thumbs
1 hour up the road, picked it up this evening. Hopefully when Im less skint I can convert it to a euro torch.