View Full Version : trailer tents

01-09-2013, 15:51
looking towards getting one at some point

just wondering what to look out for eg problems with them

do they rot like caravans?

would be spending wee bit on one

can get good ones fairly cheap, and my Hyundai will be able to tow it easilly

01-09-2013, 16:04
canvas can rot like a tent.

trailers normaly need tlc as no one looks after them

look here too, maybe a 2berth caravan you could pull

01-09-2013, 16:15
canvas can rot like a tent.

trailers normaly need tlc as no one looks after them

look here too, maybe a 2berth caravan you could pull

yeah, would ideally like a caravan, but hav'nt seen one under 750KG would only be for me and a friend so 2 birth would be perfectly fine

01-09-2013, 16:19
yeah, would ideally like a caravan, but hav'nt seen one under 750KG would only be for me and a friend so 2 birth would be perfectly fine

use her name

01-09-2013, 16:22
use her name

ok either Zenka or Jack....one of them will need a tent:D

01-09-2013, 16:24
ok either Zenka or Jack....one of them will need a tent:D

poor Jack! its cold i a tent on your won

(RIP) rustygates
01-09-2013, 16:25
Ryan, depending how much you have to spend on a trailer tent,you can get a bargain you probably need to see a few before buying one,it needs to be opened up to see if any rot, some people fold them away damp and rot set's in,the better ones have acrylic in them which prevents rot happening when folded damp. i moved up from tents to trailer tents and then to folding campers to caravans.trailer tens are light to pull and you can put your bikes on a frame which stradles the trailer and carry most of clothes and food etc in the lockers in the trailer and the best bit you sleep off the floor and there are some with a fridge across the A frame of the trailer for the IRN BRU.lol

"Let you eye be the judge and your pocket be your guide"


01-09-2013, 16:27
"Let you eye be the judge and your pocket be your guide"


wise words my friend, not just in trailer tents! :clap

01-09-2013, 16:29
Ryan, depending how much you have to spend on a trailer tent,you can get a bargain you probably need to see a few before buying one,it needs to be opened up to see if any rot, some people fold them away damp and rot set's in,the better ones have acrylic in them which prevents rot happening when folded damp. i moved up from tents to trailer tents and then to folding campers to caravans.trailer tens are light to pull and you can put your bikes on a frame which stradles the trailer and carry most of clothes and food etc in the lockers in the trailer and the best bit you sleep off the floor and there are some with a fridge across the A frame of the trailer for the IRN BRU.lol

"Let you eye be the judge and your pocket be your guide"


not bad, i'll probably have max of £300 but can't predict the future:lol bike will be slung on their sides on the roof:thumb2 ideally a caravan would be good, but don't think i could afford one, also have to be careful of the towing waight with the Hyundai

01-09-2013, 16:30
poor Jack! its cold i a tent on your won

yes, not sleeping in a trailer tent with jack...i might have long hair, but i'm not gay:roflol:

01-09-2013, 16:50
yes, not sleeping in a trailer tent with jack...i might have long hair, but i'm not gay:roflol:

you sure :augie:augie:augie

01-09-2013, 16:53
you sure :augie:augie:augie


01-09-2013, 16:58


Only pulling your leg Ryan ;)

Won't you have to pass another test, to be able to tow a trailer ??

01-09-2013, 17:00
Only pulling your leg Ryan ;)

i know:augie

nope as car and trailer will be under the weight limit for needing a trailer license:D

(RIP) rustygates
01-09-2013, 17:47
I have seen and been in one of these excellent for the "trip of a lifetime" we talked about, ideal if Zenka was with you she could't escape if you take the ladder away.lol

Item No 321194465099 on ebay

01-09-2013, 17:55
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1005609_660209364006487_1886723759_n.jpgI have seen and been in one of these excellent for the "trip of a lifetime" we talked about, ideal if Zenka was with you she could't escape if you take the ladder away.lol

Item No 321194465099 on ebay

thing is, that'll actually fit the Hyundai with it's roof rack:D

hoping to Drive to Poland with the Hyundai and some sort of camping device, may it be trailer tent, or roof tent :D

see, rails



01-09-2013, 18:05
Have you looked at a 'Dandy' T.T? No canvas to rot, solid sides windows & door, trailer sides sheet plastic & they have proper brakes. Well insulated as it is a 'semi-caravan'.
Unlikely to be cheap as they last forever & have a v. good name but at least you have every chance of getting a good one rather than a lot of hidden problems.

01-09-2013, 18:08
Have you looked at a 'Dandy' T.T? No canvas to rot, solid sides windows & door, trailer sides sheet plastic & they have proper brakes. Well insulated as it is a 'semi-caravan'.
Unlikely to be cheap as they last forever & have a v. good name but at least you have every chance of getting a good one rather than a lot of hidden problems.

haha, love 'em:D but unlikely to be able to afford one:doh i'm a poor 17 year old:lol:lol:lol:lol

01-09-2013, 18:13
look at this,


ok but its a start

01-09-2013, 18:15


01-09-2013, 18:17
or look for one like this CLOSER to home


01-09-2013, 18:22
or look for one like this CLOSER to home


that'll be perfect if it was cheaper, closer and i knew the weight:augie

01-09-2013, 18:23
that'll be perfect if it was cheaper, closer and i knew the weight:augie

Q: What is the weight of the caravan & what cc engine could I tow it with?
A: Hi there. Weight is 535kg unladen. Any car over 1000cc should be capable of towing the van. Kind regards Gary

01-09-2013, 19:16
Q: What is the weight of the caravan & what cc engine could I tow it with?
A: Hi there. Weight is 535kg unladen. Any car over 1000cc should be capable of towing the van. Kind regards Gary

ahh, no good, mine's classed as a 999cc:lol:lol:lol:lol

01-09-2013, 19:21
Leave jack behind then

01-09-2013, 20:21
Leave jack behind then

theirs a thought :augie