View Full Version : Frigging Insurance Companies

20-06-2013, 16:13
During march when we had some strong gusts of winds.My son's boundary wall collapsed.It consisted of Brick pillar wooden fence panels brick pillar wooden fence panels etc etc.
Now they are not going to pay out.
Reason given.
1.The winds were not strong enough at the time.
2.Lack of maintenance,A small amount of grass had grown between the wood and the Brick pillars.
3.The wall was not built to industry standards.IE The pillars were not tied in to the brick wall.
Well they are not getting off that lightly.I have formulated a plan for the appeal.And if that fails i will escalate it to Ombudsman.

20-06-2013, 16:21
I dropped my camera.
although I had accidental insurance they wouldn't pay as I wasn't insured for personel items:nenau my friggin settee is a personel item.
is it worth the paper its written on :nenau

20-06-2013, 19:16
I know mate.Everything is stacked in their favour.And as soon as you try to make a claim.Its silly you.Surely you never expected us to pay you.Robbing B@$%^rds.

20-06-2013, 20:14
Register your complaint with the Ombudsman now as often his letter will change their mind. He cant do anything for a month anyway so get it done :D

21-06-2013, 06:58
Not a bad idea,Cheers bud.