bg (british gas) group shares

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Nov 30, 2004
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i've got some back from launch of shares in 1986, 10p variety, that have
become dormant thru house moves.

now a firm prosearch has tracked us down, says want so reunite us with
our dividends and can sell the shares for us.

believe the shares are worth about £13 each. cynically i wonder if someone
has directed the firm to find us so can buy them back because something
good is on the horizon, and said shares could be worth a lot more, like a
take over bid.

wonder if we have any stocks and shares experts know anything about this.

think we paid £100 for shares back then, and they've gone thru various
splits with bg becoming centrica and bg group as firm has grown.
as youd lost track of them id keep them... after all there could be something on the way.

£3 profit is not a lot as you really hadnt worried about them earlyer
I heard on the radio today that British Gas share have increased in value x6 in the last ten years, due to very good corporate leadership. It also reported that Barclays shares had not increased in value at all in the same period, but Mr Diamond still gets £8m bonus all the same.

All power to you for a good investment, and p!$$ off back to America to him for being a arrogant $h!t.

It's been a long time since I had any shares:doh
However you certainly need to register them to your current address so you can get your divy added to your investment:D
Then sit back and checkout the prices with a nice cuppa of a morning:thumbs
BG are creating thousands of jobs soon to fit their fancy smart meters across the country. So there may be a further rise , shares may go down as well as up :augie
However I think you've done the biggest rise % wise now so cash them in and buy yourself some PV panels for the roof.
If you can get say £12000 worth on the roof you can expect around 8-9% return per annum:sly PLUS free electricity:)
Now that's if you pull your finger out and get on the current "Feed in Tarriff" around 47p per unit:naughty
Checkout Martins Money Tips for the evidence, good luck:cool:
as youd lost track of them id keep them... after all there could be something on the way.

£3 profit is not a lot as you really hadnt worried about them earlyer

dont quite follow your maths there mate,

paid we think £100 for 100 10p shares, which are worth £13 quid each now.

with bg spliting into different firms currently have 93 x£13, best part of £1200
even less handling charges.

however, having posted this in fb, an old school pal says keep hold as some
really big players in ernergy game couldtry to snap bg up, so their value
should rise.

thanks for all the info. might even get next round in, yeah i know steady
on yorky bloke...
as youd lost track of them id keep them... after all there could be something on the way.

£3 profit is not a lot as you really hadnt worried about them earlyer

dont quite follow your maths there mate,

paid we think £100 for 100 10p shares, which are worth £13 quid each now.

with bg spliting into different firms currently have 93 x£13, best part of £1200
even less handling charges.

however, having posted this in fb, an old school pal says keep hold as some
really big players in ernergy game couldtry to snap bg up, so their value
should rise.

thanks for all the info. might even get next round in, yeah i know steady
on yorky bloke...

ive only got 3 fingers..
N.B. read post properly Zippy
save argumnets, you paid 10p each - i'll give you 20p, double your money and no questions asked ... tempted? :naughty
save argumnets, you paid 10p each - i'll give you 20p, double your money and no questions asked ... tempted? :naughty

so on basis each 10p share cost a quid, wonder where rest went....

1986 hmmm, keeping tories in g n t?

actually, perhaps got a good deal after all, so they made 90p a share on
them, and now i could make £12 a share. pehaps WE could have had cheaper
bills if kept hold of country's jewels.

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