View Full Version : Scottish Borders 4x4 Response

02-01-2011, 21:08
The Scottish Borders 4x4 Response has now been set up.
If you live in the area and are interested in helping our local community please visit the website and leave your details..http://www.scottishborders4x4response.co.uk
Or join the National Response Forum for a response group in your area.. http://www.4x4response.info/:thumbs

Deleted account DD
02-01-2011, 21:12
Excellent scheme :thumb2

Which blue light services ave you set up agreements with :confused:

02-01-2011, 21:24
excellent scheme as above

seeing as you are new to the group have you been confirmed as a group ?

as their is no mention of the national response network
i am a member of the nw 4x4 response team


if you can start to look into a charity number as soon as poss as this will help you as a group

03-01-2011, 22:16
We ain't got any Blue light yet,we do have the NHS..
And yes we are registered on the National site,and on the new map!:thumb2

03-01-2011, 22:20
great news there...

been out in the snow then??

04-01-2011, 06:56
Oh yes,helping our local Health Centres..total white out conditions...:thumb2

04-01-2011, 08:01
great news.