View Full Version : Top Bus Driver

Deleted account DD
03-12-2010, 00:18
Even the bus drivers up here have a bit of fun. Saltburn bank is a very steep bank with 2 tricky u turns in it. its steeper than it looks on the vid and where the 2nd u turn is panics folk if theyre in a car and meet another coming the other way!!!!!

Just watch this cool bus driver and his cheeky thank you wave at the end :lol:lol

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03-12-2010, 00:53
I saw that the other day and was very impressed, well done that man. :clap:clap

was that before or after that mazda smashed through the wall at the top? :lol

03-12-2010, 01:36
Nice one.. :D

03-12-2010, 09:47
awesome! just goes to show these guys are well trained, and good drivers!

03-12-2010, 10:02
who in there right mind would try to PUSH a car UP hill ON ICE!

03-12-2010, 10:14
Ho wdesperate can these people be to get to blinking work:doh
It's snowing go out n play, the rest of their lives avail for work:o

Top job with the bus man though, and I bet the old boy on the bus had no idea he was being driven by old stig:lol