View Full Version : got myself a bargin

19-11-2010, 22:57
I just bought a 50 inch plasma TV for £1 although the sound is stuck on quite loud, but for that money I couldn't turn it down.http://www.vegetableoildiesel.co.uk/forum/images/smilies/laugh.gif

19-11-2010, 23:18
I just bought a 50 inch plasma TV for £1 although the sound is stuck on quite loud, but for that money I couldn't turn it down.http://www.vegetableoildiesel.co.uk/forum/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Have you borrowed briggies joke book:doh

19-11-2010, 23:24
in little over 2 years of zippy being here.

thats the funniest thing he has ever posted

:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:b ow:bow

20-11-2010, 01:48
I just bought a 50 inch plasma TV for £1 although the sound is stuck on quite loud, but for that money I couldn't turn it down.http://www.vegetableoildiesel.co.uk/forum/images/smilies/laugh.gif


20-11-2010, 03:40
Where did you buy it?? You should put a pic of it on we've got surround sound with our tv. It's a old cathode ray tube CRT tv but we hope to upgrade to plasma

:popcrngood for watching movies on:popcrn

20-11-2010, 09:50
Where did you buy it?? You should put a pic of it on we've got surround sound with our tv. It's a old cathode ray tube CRT tv but we hope to upgrade to plasma

:popcrngood for watching movies on:popcrn

He who laughs last, just got the joke:lol:lol:lol

20-11-2010, 11:56
Farting in a lift is wrong on many levels.:augie

20-11-2010, 22:08
in little over 2 years of zippy being here.

thats the funniest thing he has ever posted

:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:b ow:bow

I disagree.

The Hustler thread was funnier :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

20-11-2010, 22:25
I just bought a 50 inch plasma TV for £1 although the sound is stuck on quite loud, but for that money I couldn't turn it down.http://www.vegetableoildiesel.co.uk/forum/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Joke as pinched off "come dine with me"