View Full Version : Spotting Scope

29-10-2010, 23:02
hi folks,

thinking of one of these


rather than large binoculars, already got some compact binos 6-13x 22
which are ok, but could do with more for mixture of teresteral and modest
celestial work.

similar sort of thing in argos, though has poor feedback, get feeling national
geographic is argos' own badge, suspect or hope that jessops know a bit
more about optics and if they put their name to it a better bet.

the jessops comes with a table tripod, ive already got full size tripod and
fancy one of these window mounts for use in car.

dont really get on with binos, must be my eyes or my age hence attractiveness
of the scopes.

any thoughts please.

30-10-2010, 07:17
what are you going to be using it for?
20-60 x magnifcation is huge but very useable, and with a 80 mm odjective lens you should be soaking up lots of light, so low light looking should be good

30-10-2010, 08:14
long distance holiday work, shipping etc.

bit of night sky work,

compromise between big binos and affordable
telescope i thought plus for latter more portable.

years ago was warned off cheap telescopes for
sky work, told better of with decent binoculars.

so bought a tripod and mount adaptor for bins.
bins now long lost, my compact bins ok but dont
cut it for sky viewing. cant store big telescope
nor pratically take on hol which is when tend to
get clearest skys away from street light polution..

30-10-2010, 09:25
i have a 18 times zoom on my new camera , it works quite well for most applications

30-10-2010, 09:27
have a look at getting a second hand named scope( Bushnell/kowa)
They tend to be well looked after. my scope is 30 years old and does it's job.

30-10-2010, 09:40
Try this for cheap and passable it will let you know if a scope is what you want also on the site are 10x50 bino's

30-10-2010, 10:32
thanks fo r link i use 7day a lot didnt think of them for this,

looks like they have something similiar, smaller objective lens
at 60mm though her and for £60


trouble is cant see before buy, have bought from jessops before
they're not jack of all trades and big chain if on travels.