4 wheel drive question

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I have had trouble with engaging 4 wheel drive and found that my local garage had refitted the auto-hubs refitted incorrectly following a disc and pad change!! I have since rectified this ( the download was spot on.) but now find that if i engage Hi or Lo ratio the car goes fine in a straight line but if i turn the wheel any more than a qtr turn it is asthough i have applied the brakes as there is a significant resistance. I have to admit that i tried this on a dry road (read all the forums about this.....tut,tut!!) but wondered if this was normal or whether there is something else wrong. I have had the car for 7 years but can't remember feeling this resistance before the discs were changed. When i get an opportunity i will try it again in a muddy field but just wondered if anyone else had come across this or am i just being paranoid!
I have had trouble with engaging 4 wheel drive and found that my local garage had refitted the auto-hubs refitted incorrectly following a disc and pad change!! I have since rectified this ( the download was spot on.) but now find that if i engage Hi or Lo ratio the car goes fine in a straight line but if i turn the wheel any more than a qtr turn it is asthough i have applied the brakes as there is a significant resistance. I have to admit that i tried this on a dry road (read all the forums about this.....tut,tut!!) but wondered if this was normal or whether there is something else wrong. I have had the car for 7 years but can't remember feeling this resistance before the discs were changed. When i get an opportunity i will try it again in a muddy field but just wondered if anyone else had come across this or am i just being paranoid!

Sounds right to me...

mine does the same. It sounds as if you were getting wind up. Maybe you did not notice it before because there was an underlying fault in 4wd which was corrected when you looked at the hubs - only a thought.

thats just what should happen. all is find.
but dont do it again on the road for very long. youll brack some thing!!


though i did it in LOW for 13 miles on the A4 to get home once..
'tis correct, read the destructions on the sun visor and you'l see you aren't suppose to engage 4wd except in very wet or slippery conditions, otherwise you get transmission windup which will either wear your tyres out quickly or break something in the drive train....
Thanks for all the replies, certainly puts my mind at rest.