Temperature Issue

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Jul 24, 2012
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Right, recently the temp gauge has been sitting higher and higher getting close to the red area but not quite reaching it.

I've been thinking I've got issues with my thermostat as during the cold weeks my heaters have been taking ages and ages to start blowing warm.

I got home tonight and when I turned the engine off I heard bubbling from the engine bay, I took the cap off the header tank and the coolant that was in there was bubbling :confused::confused:

I also noticed that the rad pipes were so so hot!!!!

Could this be air leaking into the system? If so where from? The only place I know I am leaking coolant is from my water pump which I plan on replacing in the new year, see here;


Could this be what is causing the air leak? Or could the bubbling just be because I'm a bit low on coolant at the moment?
Air wont be leaking IN ? You'll be boiling off the water due to pressure leak at the waterpump. Fix it, fix your problem.
In the mean time , put some bloody water in it :doh
Air wont be leaking IN ? You'll be boiling off the water due to pressure leak at the waterpump. Fix it, fix your problem.
In the mean time , put some bloody water in it :doh

Righty no worries, going to just make sure I keep the water at the right level and get that leak fixed ASAP

Thanks for the advise
Was having a bit of a read last night and doing a bit of diagnostics and I think the reason I a getting bubbles in the coolant header tank is because I've got air lock in the system and I think I may have overfilled it a tad.

What I'm going to do is drain some coolant out, and then fill it into the radiator cold and run the car for 15 mins or so with the rad cap off to get rid of the air lock.

I did also notice that the truck still wasn't blowing hot air the way it should, I had been driving the car for about 20-30 mins and when I got out and checked the pipes, big one that attaches to the thermostat was limp and had no fluid in it!!!!

I've read that this can be caused by the thermostat not opening correctly and is obviously why I'm not getting any hot air in the cabin either.

I've ordered a replacement 82 degrees one which should be at the car spares shop in an hour with a gasket which come to £10 which isn't bad

I'm going to attempt to replace this first and if this doesn't solve it I'm going to replace the Water Pump sooner than planned I think.
In the meantime could someone link me to or give me the correct part number for the water pump for the 2.7TDi all the ones I can see on eBay only list TD but I'm not sure if that will fit mine
Went for the circoli . Not fitted it yet waiting for it to stop bloody raining, but look decent enough .
Right well I just bled the system before driving half way to the spares shop to fetch the thermostat with the cap off, with it off the car was sitting at normal temperature however, when I got home put the cap back on the radiator and took it round the block a few times again and this time before I even had chance to turn the engine off the header tank could be heard bubbling again :confused::confused:

The car is sitting at the normal coolant level on the header tank now and the radiator is also full.

The car is intermittently blowing hot air and then will start blasting cold air randomly with no change to the temp gauge.

I jumped out the car and with the engine still running I felt the inlet and outlet pipes that both feed into the thermostat housing and they were limp again, zilch in them, I literally squeezed both of them completely together and felt no resistance against my grip. Based on this I'm now semi confident that it's the water pump that's at fault here. Can anyone else confirm? Or even suggest what I should do next.

I'm trying to source a Water Pump today now if possible I don't mind having to pay an extra £20-30 to have it today as I can then fit it tomorrow as I can't really be without my car
Went for the circoli . Not fitted it yet waiting for it to stop bloody raining, but look decent enough .

Get outside!!!! I've got mine on order at another one of the local motor factors which should be here in a few hours, I'm getting outside now to get the old one dropped off and then when I get the call I'm going to rally up the shop on my bike hehe
Get outside!!!!

I know been waiting for a new temp sender unit to arrive from Poland ordered on ebay should have arrived on the 24th DEC :confused::confused: so i could change that and the pump together , so didn't have to drain down again .:cool:
Right I cannot seem to free the radiator from the cowling, it seems that on both the left and the right it is attached with 2 hex head screws????

How do you release them, I can't get in at any angle to remove them
should just be a case of undo screws and and pipes and lift out the rad, you can also do the waterpump without takin the rad out but its a tight squeeze
just had a thought, is the fan cowling still in? it could be that, it has a piece on it you have to remove on the bottom its just clips and easier to get to from underneath but it can cause problems when taking the rad out if its in the way
just had a thought, is the fan cowling still in? it could be that, it has a piece on it you have to remove on the bottom its just clips and easier to get to from underneath but it can cause problems when taking the rad out if its in the way

Thanks for the advise mate :) managed to get it out in the end
OK guys so I've eventually managed to get the new pump and belts fitted, I have re-filled the radiator cold and also topped the header tank up as well



I came across a few issues but managed to get it all back together in the end only managing to break the black clip that the clamp slots on top of on the radiator to hold it in place.

I took the car out for a run and still the car is overheating, going into the red after only a few miles, the car juddered and then the engine light came on, I pulled over let it cool down and then crept it home :(:(

The heaters still wouldn't blow warm even though the car was overheating, the heaters were stone cold.

Seeing as I've just done the pump and belts this has to be the thermostat right?

Could it be anything else causing this?

I'm really upset by this, I've wasted a whole day and I'm still no further forward :(

Thanks in advance guys
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