idle speed/injector pump

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Dec 27, 2011
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Hi This is my first post,
I have a problem with my 1997 terrano 2.7tdi, When the engine drops to idle, it drops too far ,to about 500rpm and causes violent shaking . After about 20 seconds it returns to normal 7-800rpm . I have had the diesel and air filters changed with no improvement . I have checked for the small in pump filter and there dose not appear to be one. The garage are now saying it is the injector pump and want to charge me 2,600€ to fit a new one. This seems a bit ott,There must be a simpler explanation. Any one?
fuel lines, filter?any engine codes showing up? could be an injector blah blah, I wouldnt be saying its the pump just quite yet, and im pretty sure that amount of money is well over what it should be, granted a new pump plus fitting aint cheap but for a car that age, you be going down the refurb road anyway, rather than new.
the mini filter is fixed in the banjo bolt of the return pipe, this is the rear banjo, also there is a 10 mm bolt in the end inside you will find a spring and ball and possibly some small packing washers, only remove these with the banjo bolt out so you do not loose any items, inside where the ball sits you will see a metering orifice, make sure this is clear, you cannot see through it as the filter is the other side (pump side) you will be able to see the brass ferrel in the end the only way to clean it is wash in degreaser/petrol etc and blow out with an air line, I am not sure if this will help your idling problem but it is worth checking anyway (I have only owned a TDi for a short time and am still learning) as I have owned petrol versions when seen posts referencing throttle pedal etc I had not paid too much attention, but there are many posts re this very issue, so worth a search, Rick
I will have an other look for the mini filter, thank for the info
It seem like the system is starved of fuel or air for 15-20 seconds and then adjusts its self, I read in one post that disconnecting the battery overnight may help, is this a possible fix ?
I doubt disconnecting the battery will help. But you can try it. This will reset the ecu and start the re learn process. I'd still check the fuel filter and lines first...
as stinka says look at the maf, if it has any contamination on it (the two small wire coils) then it cannot read the correct values, clean it preferably with a spray type cleaner, if you use cotton buds dipped in alcohol, fine but very lightly, but look up the throttle pedal issues, these pumps are fly by wire and some members have had pedal problems, they are electric, Rick
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I am starting to get this problem on my 2000 TDI. If the revs drop below tickover momentarily e.g letting the clutch out.... I get violent shaking as if the engin is struggling to live. This happens for a few seconds and the accelerator pedal has no effect whilst the shaking is going on. It doesn't happen every time but is starting to get on my nervs. :(
I am starting to get this problem on my 2000 TDI. If the revs drop below tickover momentarily e.g letting the clutch out.... I get violent shaking as if the engin is struggling to live. This happens for a few seconds and the accelerator pedal has no effect whilst the shaking is going on. It doesn't happen every time but is starting to get on my nervs. :(

I am not good at searching (I start typing and forget what I was searching for) but I am sure this problem has come up in the recent past, and as said before I was not particularly interested as till now have only had petrols, have a search, Rick
yes Pete it is normal that is why the T2 TD has a throttle flap that closes when you turn off that is supposed to stop it but it does not, Rick