Help - I'm immobilised

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Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
Hi folks,
I have a Patrol GR 2003 which will not start. I'm assuming its the NATS immobiliser as the car has never failed to start first turn in the two years I've owned it.

Symptoms as follows:
Remote key will lock and unlock doors fine.
The dashtop led flashes as usual, doors locked or unlocked.
When I turn ignition to ON position the led flashes 7 times then stays solid.

I've tried turning ignition to on position and off 3 times with 10 second pauses, no change.

From what I can glean from the internet, the ECU needs an ok signal from the NATS system to enable fuel flow and its not getting it, or the ECU has a fault. So I'm assuming the problem lies somewhere in the chain of command between the key/transponder/ECU.

Can anyone help me take this further?

I spoke to my local Nissan dealer here in Cornwall, they would need the car recovered to them followed by an open ended £95/hour + vat. So that's out!

thanks in advance
good point

yes, forgot to mention - it churns quite happily, but wont fire
Most auto locksmiths should be able to sort the problem or at least tell you what the problem is, most carry the computer software to determin if it is the key, the coil around the ignition switch the NATs unit or the ECU, do you have more than one key? if so are they all regularly used? if you have one duff key and use it 3 times in a row all keys will be blocked till it is reset, Rick
Hi Rick
Thanks for the info.
I'll look for a locksmith.
Re. Keys I have 2 but can't find the second one, despite turning the house upside down.
I'll keep searching - would be useful to see the symptoms with the second key.
Hi Rick
Thanks for the info.
I'll look for a locksmith.
Re. Keys I have 2 but can't find the second one, despite turning the house upside down.
I'll keep searching - would be useful to see the symptoms with the second key.

If for some reason your key is not being recognised then finding your second one will not help as said 3 bad tries and ALL keys are locked out, Rick
Under the intercooler on the off side there are 4 earth points one the intake, remove and clean and replace, one go's to the ecu one to the fuel pump one to the body and one to the ? worked for me and worth a try.
plus if your worried about the Nats then I had mine removed by this guy, worked no problem, Darren at ECU Decode 01373302412
Under the intercooler on the off side there are 4 earth points one the intake, remove and clean and replace, one go's to the ecu one to the fuel pump one to the body and one to the ? worked for me and worth a try.
Thanks mate, good info.
plus if your worried about the Nats then I had mine removed by this guy, worked no problem, Darren at ECU Decode 01373302412
thanks for that, could be the way forward.
understand the need for all that security for a 60k car, but not for a 3.5k car, in the middle of nowhere..

Just to finish this thread. After testing and checking everything I could test in the immobiliser chain, to no avail, I bit the bullet and spent the 160 quid having the ECU immobiliser logic bypassed. Worked perfectly. The ECU now doesn’t give a damn about the immobiliser and let’s me start the car. Happy days.
Just to finish this thread. After testing and checking everything I could test in the immobiliser chain, to no avail, I bit the bullet and spent the 160 quid having the ECU immobiliser logic bypassed. Worked perfectly. The ECU now doesn’t give a damn about the immobiliser and let’s me start the car. Happy days.

Got any details for who did it for you, I may need their services in the future :cool: :bow
Darren at ECU decode, as advised earlier in the thread.
Good call that man.
Since then I've invested in a cable to run ECUtalk on my PC. So hopefully any further gremlins can be called out by that.
Having said that I'm now experiencing a fast idle issue, engine runs at 1100 even when warm. It's not the heat switch as when I activate that the idle raises even higher. ECUtalk reports no errors.
Thoughts anyone?